
Our Cast of Characters

Me (Andrea): Disney Addict and OCD planner.

AnnaMay and me, in front of the Carousel on AnnaMay’s first WDW trip.

I have loved Disney since I was 5 and my grandparents took me to stay at the Contemporary and visited Magic Kingdom back in 1980.


Jay: My sweet husband who loves Disney also.

Jay with AnnaMay.


We honeymooned in Disney in 1994. He is totally laid back. No OCD in him anywhere. He is happy to let me plan and he just comes along for the ride.


AnnaMay: Our daughter who was born in 2005.

AnnaMay with Stitch.

AnnaMay has a severe anxiety disorder and sensory processing disorder. (She is an avoider which means she does not like things that stimulate her senses too much.) But with all that she loves Disney. She does not do many rides and can’t stay at the parks long but it is still her favorite place to go.


Nanny: Granmother extraordinaire.

Nanny, AnnaMay and a special guest at lunch.

Nanny comes along to help with AnnaMay some and she loves to just watch AnnaMay enjoy Disney. (And AnnaMay believes she must come because she came with us the first time and in AnnaMay’s world you do it that way once it should always be that way).


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