Splitsville and Beingets

Today we plan to get to Splitsville as soon as it opens at 10:00 to bowl and eat an early lunch. Since yesterday was a nice slow day we got going in plenty of time. We get to the parking lot at Downtown Disney West side by 9:45. Perfect!  And then we get Splitsville. It does not open until 10:30….Nothing on the west side does. (Have I mentioned I did not plan as well for this trip?) After a few jokes made about my lack of OCD planning. We walked around, window shopped, took some pictures and just hung out.

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At 10:30 we headed back to Splitsville. We ask for an alley upstairs which we are given and head up. We decide to wait and order our food when we are done playing.  I only play a half of a game (I was probably not supposed to play any so close to my surgery but I could not resist playing a little.)  AnnaMay did great, in fact she got a strike early on and it caused tears for a few minutes.  At school a strike is what you get for doing something wrong and she has been a bit traumatized by getting some this year. It took us a little time to convince her that in bowling a strike is a good thing.  We had a great time bowling and then enjoyed a great lunch.  When we were done we went to pick up a few things for a friend at D Street and headed to the car.

Next up was Port Orleans Riverside for some fishing. Unfortunately, we got there 5 minutes after the last fishing poles go out and they were not bending the rules.  AnnaMay was quite upset that we could not fish but I told her that we could come back on Friday morning. With this new plan and the promise of Gluten free, Dairy free beignets we made it through without too much trauma.  On our way out we stopped in the gift shop for a little more pin trading and then were on our way to Port Orleans French Quarter.

We got to Port Orleans French Quarter and I went to order our beignets. They cook them fresh so they gave me a pager so I know when to come back and get them.  AnnaMay noticed the large masks hanging from the ceiling this time. They made her nervous as she found them scary. AnnaMay found a table over in the corner that was “far away from the faces.”  There was a small table there that had coloring sheets on them. She sat down and focused on coloring while we were waiting. The beignets came out and were delicious. When we were done eating AnnaMay took the picture that she colored up to the counter. They told her it was great and made it the picture of the day. She was thrilled! Then the Chef came out to check on us.  AnnaMay was sure to give him one of our thank you pictures.  He was really sweet. AnnaMay told us after he left that she loved his accent. (He was French.)

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When we left Port Orleans, I was not sure how to get back to the houses, so I did something that my Disney Friends have told me not to do on Disney property. I turned on my GPS. We were just headed back to Indian Creek. How bad could it be, right? We blindly follow the directions of the person in my phone with great faith, believing she will get us back to the house. That is until we realize we are driving into the parking lot for Epcot… OOPS. Nanny comments from the back seat, “Hey, this is cool I get to see Spaceship Earth!” The cast member at the booth does not look a bit surprised and tells us how to get back out of the lot. Apparently, this mistake happens often. We get turned around and start back to the house again. Soon we see Tower of Terror from Hollywood Studios out the car window.  Not long after that we see Mt Everest from Animal Kingdom. Jay says this is the poor man’s way to park hop at Disney. I told him yup this is even cheaper than my friend, Pam, can do it and she has a Disney on the Cheap web page.
We got back to the house and went for a swim and then we headed off to have our dinner with Chef Jose. Yum!  We went for one more quick swim after dinner and then headed to bed. Tomorrow we head for Legoland. Hopefully it will go better than last year and AnnaMay will not get sick!

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