Boma and Jillycakes

We planned a nice relaxing day today. We slept in and then went to the last breakfast seating at Boma. This is our favorite restaurant without characters.  As we checked in I noticed AnnaMay had slipped over and was talking to a Cast Member. They talked for a while then she came back over to us. Before I could ask AnnaMay what they what they had been chatting about it was time for us to be seated.  It ended up that the Cast Member she was talking to was seated us. She told us that she had just recently come here from Africa and that she noticed AnnaMay had a MNSSHP wristband on. She said that they do not have Halloween in her country so she had gone to the  last night also to see what it was all about.  She told us she loved it.  When we were seated the waitress came out and talked to us and then went and got the Chef. Because there were 3 of us with varying allergies, the Chef went and got another Chef so we could walk through the line easier. They told us what food we could have and then brought us a huge plate of safe waffles and another huge plate of assorted pastries, donuts and cookies. We all gorged ourselves and there was still a ton of food on the table. Our waitress was so sweet. She came by and told us since we were special diets we could take food with us and she went and put in an order for more waffles and packaged them up for us to take back to the house on top of all the food we still had on the table. We ended up leaving with a whole bag of wonderful food.


When we got finished eating, we tried to go out to see the animals but the large overlook was closed while they trimmed some trees. We headed out to the smaller one by the pool but did not end up staying too long.

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We headed back to the house to swim. The plan had been to go to Jillycakes in the afternoon to pick up our cupcakes. Jillycakes had been planning to open up a store front at the beginning of October. They had a few logistic problems and were not able to open yet. So, Jillian being the amazing person she is brought the cupcakes to us.  She made sure to have enough time to visit with AnnaMay for a few minutes. They talked about our plans for Legoland on Thursday (her husband is an IT guy there), told us about the new store front and we got a few pictures. After she left AnnaMay dug in. I think you can tell from her expression that she enjoyed them a lot!!

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After some cupcakes and a little TV we headed for the POP to see Chef Jose and have him fix us some dinner. After another wonderful dinner with Chef Jose, AnnaMay decided a night swim would be fun.  While we were out today the property managers had been sweet enough to drop off a floating pool light since the regular ones were not working properly. It was really cool and would even flash colored lights. Nanny and I decided to make it extra fun and get some of the glow sticks we had out and put them around the pool.  Nanny and I were sitting on the sofa cracking glowsticks and Nanny screeches.  I looked over and when she had cracked one of the glow sticks it had leaked out and some was on her hand and arm. I ran to get her a wet towel and when I came back we noticed there were a few drops on the sofa. We start scrubbing at them….We finally get them almost all out and a go to turn them lamp behind the sofa out and the whole wall is splattered with glow stick!!! It looked kinda cool except for the fact that this was not our house and well, the wall was glowing! Thankfully with some running back and forth and a ton of paper towels we got it all cleaned up. But who has heard of such a thing, exploding glow sticks! After the clean up we went for a swim and then off to bed. Up tomorrow  Bowling and Beignets.

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