Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party Part 2

We had planned to go do some window shopping on Main Street while we waited for it to be time to check in at Tony’s Restaurant.  But AnnaMay asked if we could ask if we can check in now. I figured it did not hurt to ask. They said we could and asked if we would be willing to eat on the patio. I said we were and they told us that we would not have a long wait. Sure enough we were seated by 6:40. AnnaMay was a happy girl. Note she had her “phone” on the table recording the “creepy voice” announcing that the party was starting.


It was really nice out on the patio.  It was warm but other than that time waiting to get into the park, it never seemed uncomfortably hot the whole evening. We got a wonderful waiter at Tony’s.  He was really sweet and talked to us a bunch about the party and such. The chef came right out and had the form I filled out for special diets. I told him that in all my years filling the form out no chef had ever done that. Chef Edward said he didn’t know about other chefs, but he likes to know what he was getting into. AnnaMay got spaghetti with just sauce, I got mine with the GF meatballs. He made Jay some dairy free shrimp scampi. We got some rolls and AnnaMay loved them (they were the same rolls as last night… sigh) she ate 3 of them, and then asked to take the last one with her. It was a nice quick meal and a quiet break. It was also perfect to watch all of the people coming into the parks in their costumes.  We were done by 7:20. It ended up being the perfect break time.  I am so glad that we stuck with this ADR instead of switching to Crystal Palace.


When we finished with dinner, we headed into see Mickey after that, and ended up having to wait for him to change into his Halloween outfit. We had not told AnnaMay that Mickey could talk now.

Do you think she was excited?


She had a good conversation with him.


In the end, he had them be lions together.


We headed back up Main Street and went to Tomorrow land to see Monster’s Inc. AnnaMay loves that show and as we waited to go in we texted some jokes. They did not end up being used this time but Jay and AnnaMay ended up “on screen” as AnnaMay puts it. Jay was “the guy hiding his third eye under his hat.” AnnaMay thought that was really funny. They added some new stuff since the last time we saw the show.

We stopped off to see Lotso next.  AnnaMay loves Lotso. This shocks most people, but she refuses to believe he is bad and will not watch the movie because of it.  When we were next in line Lotso had to take his break so we had to hang out for a bit. It was calm and quiet over where his meet was so it was not too bad.

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At this point AnnaMay started thinking about the fireworks and seemed kinda done with the party. I told her we could leave anytime she wanted. She said not quite yet. We stopped and got some candy and then she wanted to head to Dumbo. We walked directly onto Dumbo, and as we took off, she started to freak out a little. She cried and said we were going too fast. I told her to just lean on me and close her eyes. I reminded her it was a quick ride and it would be over soon. I reminded her that they must all go up and lock in. She made it through without more tears. I thought sure we would want to leave after that. But she saw Donald and Goofy as we were getting off and said she wanted to see them.  We got in line. Then when we were 2 away, they had to go on break. This has happened to us at almost every character. It is life, but AnnaMay did get a little aggravated.  We were hanging out waiting for them to come back and AnnaMay got a little anxious. She started asking if it is wrong to be in line without someone there. I was sure they were coming back any minute. But, I asked her if she wanted to get out of line and she said to give them 5 more minutes. Just as she was starting to get stressed about it again, they came out. Goofy stopped by AnnaMay in line and gave her some high fives and blew her kisses. She was so excited at this point. Then, when we got up there for our turn, Donald stole Stitch. I was worried for a minute but AnnaMay went with it and she and Donald and Goofy had a great time playing with it.  When they finally posed for pictures, Donald took her cape and flipped it over her head and then stuck Stitch on top.


When we left Donald and Goofy, AnnaMay said she was ready to leave she just wanted to stop in and see if they found her card on the Ariel ride. Unfortunately, they didn’t. I thought we just had enough time to at least get up in the shops on Main St before the fireworks start going off. But AnnaMay changed her mind and said she wanted to see Daisy and Minnie. We headed back into Storybook Circus and I was watching the clock because it was getting close to the fireworks. I thought we could just make it through Daisy and then go in the Big Top during them. And then our luck struck again.  We were next and Daisy had to go on break. We had 3 minutes. I told AnnaMay and she said she would  be okay. And then the BOOMs start. She was not okay. I told her to run into the tent and we were right behind her.  Even in the tent it is quite loud.  She was very stressed at this point and I told her as soon as it stopped, we would leave. She was very stressed but said okay. In the back of the store, she found one of those machines that engraves necklaces. She had been thinking of getting one all week. She decided now was the time.  She focused on typing what she wanted and then zoned while watching it engrave.She seemed to be able to completely tune out the fireworks while watching it.  By the time it was ready the fireworks are over and she was a little more relaxed. We found a Peter Pan glass she just had to have so we bought that and she said she is ready to go.

On our way out I ask one more time if she was sure she does not want to try Magic Carpets. After Dumbo she said no to Magic Carpets. It is normally a favorite so I wanted to be sure she did not miss a chance. She said no but then added let’s get a dole whip on the way out.(the pineapple and orange are safe for her to eat) I was not thinking about the time, so I headed down past Peter Pan into Liberty Square. Um, it was almost parade time. I was trying to figure out how to get across the parade route when AnnaMay piped up and said “let’s watch the parade”.  Sure, remember last year when we had a nice spot saved and she had a panic attack and we had to leave just as it was starting? I didn’t say this though I just start looking for a place to watch it from but it was packed. We decided to cross over so we could leave if we needed to and look over there. Just as I thought we were out of luck they closed the path to cross and allowed people to stand there. Perfect. She loved the parade. She sang and danced and waved and had a great time. We were able to slip through the bathrooms in Adventure Land and did not even have to fight the crowd afterwards.  We stopped and got Dole Whips. AnnaMay took a bite or two and declared she needed real food not junk. Um it is 11:00 kid and you have food allergies, where am I going to find real food? Then, I remembered that roll from Tony’s. I pulled it out and sure enough she snarfed it right down. She asked to stop and see Turk. He was right on the way so we stop and see him and then go through another candy line.


Then she said she was ready to go to Main Street. I had told a friend I would pick up some party pins so we walked through the shops as we leave and pick up the pins and a few items. Then we headed out of the park. It was after 11:30 and I think AnnaMay did AMAZING! I think that is the longest she has ever stayed in the park. I really thought we were about done by 8:15 but she pulled out some awesomeness and kept going. As we are walking back to the Contemporary we see a dad walking with a little boy on his shoulders. The boy’s head was on his dad’s and he is sound asleep. And the dad was carrying their candy bags too. Oh my! Well, we got back and picked up the van and headed back to the house. We were home by 12:20. It turned out to be a great night! Up tomorrow Boma and Jillycakes….Yummy!!

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