Dinner with the Steps

Some magical mail showed up while we were at Downtown Disney. This time AnnaMay got a little pouch with some pins to trade in it. (I had picked up the pouch after Easter last year on clearance and thought it was cute. I stuck a castle charm on it and did not think any more about it.)  When AnnaMay got the mail she was so excited because the pouch matched her dress. Sure enough it was perfect. It is in some of the pictures later. After a little swimming we are off to the Grand Floridian.  AnnaMay is very excited about her makeover at the Ivy Trellis. (I hope y’all are ready for pictures because I can’t help it I have a ton for this post.)  We checked in at the Ivy Trellis.  It is so peaceful in there.  She was actually the only person in there. Her hair dresser was wonderful! She chatted with AnnaMay the whole time. They even worked on AnnaMay’s Bigfoot theory. The hairdresser told her that it was a great theory and that the reason they had Star Wars weekend was so Bigfoot could even come to Disney as Chewbacca. AnnaMay decided as the lady was doing her hair that she wanted a tiara. I was going to run over and get her one when the hairdresser suggested a beautiful pearl and rhinestone hairbow that was the same price. AnnaMay loved it instantly and it was decided that was what she would wear. I loved the way her hair turned out and I thought she did a very tasteful job on her makeup. When we were done we went out and took a few photos.

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We still had a little time before we needed to check in to 1900 Park Fare.  AnnaMay asked to go to the gift shop. In the gift shop she found a white shawl to go with her dress and decided it was worth spending her money on. While in the gift shop she started twirling and I managed to get a few fun shots that ended up being my favorite of the night.

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When we walked out of the gift shop AnnaMay asked me to take a picture of her in her new shawl and noticed there was a bride behind us.  She had me take pictures of her “with the bride” If you look really close you can see her.

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We head back downstairs and get Jay and Nanny and checked in at 1900 Park Fare. After we checked in we waited a few minutes and are seated. The chef came out to talk to us about our allergies. He was not comfortable with me eating off the buffet so he cooked me a steak, baked potato and broccoli. It was really good. The only thing AnnaMay was interested in off the buffet was tatertots so he fixed her some allergy chicken fingers which she loved this time! Yay. He also brought out Gluten free Dairy free rolls which AnnaMay said were no good. We have our food and now the fun starts. I really think the characters are the best part of this meal. Actually, I think that they are the most fun grouping of characters offered right now.  First we saw Cinderella and Prince Charming and you would think they would be the big draw but they are kind of ho-hum in my opinion because they are so proper. In fact it looks like we we did not even end up with pictures of them.

The Stepmother came out next. She told AnnaMay that she approved of her dress and hair in that only the stepmother can do snooty tone.



Anastasia came next. She asked AnnaMay how she got to get the jewels on her teeth (her braces) When AnnaMay tried to tell her she said I know what you did! You stomped your foot and cried until they gave them to you.  AnnaMay told her no but she did not believe her. She also asked her if she had any sisters. When AnnaMay said no, she offered her Drizella!

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This time the best came last Drizella was just so funny. First she complimented AnnaMay’s dress. Then she asked her where she got it. AnnaMay told her Kohl’s. So she starts yelling across the room, Mother MMMMOOOTTHHHHEERRR!!! I want to go to Kohl’s can we go to Kohl’s!!!  Look at what they made! AnnaMay is just giggling and giggling.

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Then she grabs her and hugs her. She starts yelling again Mother MMMMOOOTTTHHHEEERRR! Look I am hugging someone and they are not tied to me!!! Aren’t you impressed??? I love AnnaMay’s expressions in these photos. You can tell she is really enjoying being hugged. Which just makes my day. Touch can be so hard for a child with sensory issues.

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After this we figure we are done with characters so  AnnaMay asks to go change into comfortable clothes. (it is very hard for her to tolerate dresses and more formal clothing do to her sensory issues.)  We are in the little side room at the restaurant so it is very easy to just slip out the side door and go to the restroom to change. When we come back in Drizella is still in the side room and spots us. She asks AnnaMay where her dress is.  AnnaMay says, “I changed” and holds up the dress. Well Drizella promptly asks, “can I try it on?” AnnaMay thinks very seriously about this and then says, “you have 5 seconds.” She hands it to Drizella and says, “1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, etc” (I am, of course, thinking what is Drizella going to do?) But without missing a beat Drizella sticks her arms in it kind of like it is an apron and runs out of the room yelling,  “MMMOOOTTTTHHHHEEERR MMMMMOOOTTTTTHHHEEEERRR!!!!!! SHE LET ME TRY IT ON, MMMMOOOOTTTTTHHHHEEERRRR!!!” AnnaMay was just cracking up! We went back to our table and Drizella came over after prancing around the restaurant for a few minutes. She let us take a picture of her “wearing” the dress and then she was off to another table.  We finished up and paid the bill and left.


Jay was kind enough to go get the car and pick us up. While we were waiting for him AnnaMay noticed the carriage and old Cadillac.  She had to have her picture made with them. She said she was going to ride in one when she got married then quickly added, “except I will never get married, G-R-O-S-S gross.”

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We headed back to the house for a night swim and realized that the pool lights were not working properly. I texted the property manager about it. He was there in 10 minutes and he showed us what to do at the fuse panel if they stopped working. Jay and AnnaMay went for a quick swim and then we turned in for the night.  Tomorrow is Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party!!!

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