Downtown Disney

We were up and ready to head to Downtown Disney. We made a quick run past the POP and left the note for Chef Jose. Okay, I have a funny non-Disney story to tell you that happened during our drive to Downtown Disney. I leaned forward to pick up something off the floor. I hear Nanny who was sitting behind me say “What are you doing?” I figure she is talking to AnnaMay so I finished picking things up. She was actually asking me that question. Apparently, my seatbelt was hooked around the controls and when I leaned forward it lowered the seat back! About that time my brain finally realized Nanny was speaking to me because my seat back was in her lap!  Jay said he happened to look over and saw look on my face as I sat up and realized there was no seat back behind me. He said I looked so shocked. AnnaMay was of course giggling the entire time which got us all giggling. Nanny said she was afraid I was going to crush her. Of course whenever I wanted to harass Nanny after that I just started to tip my seat back! Ha!

Okay, back to our story. We made it to Downtown Disney without any appendages being amputated and parked the car at about 9:45. By the time we got the scooter out, the stores were open. First we headed to the Lego Store, as it gets noisy and crowded in there. We took pictures with the Lego figures.  AnnaMay also chose to build her own 3 pack of Lego Mini figures.


We finished up there and headed to the big Disney store. We looked around in there but decided to wait to really get anything. AnnaMay did have fun trying on the Maleficent hat though. Notice her innocent face and her evil face.


Next, AnnaMay wanted to go to Once Upon a Toy and look for Tsum Tsums. I had promised to buy her 2 small ones for being so brave when I had my surgery. Sadly, they only had the huge Mickey and Minnie ones, but she found Anna and Elsa Barbie dolls and decided that was a good substitute. Then she found a stuffed Chewbacca that she wanted to buy with her money. As you know she loves Bigfoot and her theory is that Bigfoot and Chewie are one and the same that way Bigfoot can come out and no one thinks anything of it.


I have a list of things a friend asked me to pick up for her and we got those and went in a few other stores. We ended up at Goofy’s Candy Shop where we got a few treats and AnnaMay got a Frozen slush.


When we came out of all the shops, AnnaMay picked up all the bags we had and said look mom I look like a shopping girl.  I have no idea where she comes up with these things.


On our way out, I run to Cookes of Dublin and get some Gluten free fish and chips for us to share back at the house. That stuff is so good! We head back to the house for lunch a short swimming break before it is time to head to the Grand Floridian.


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